Do you suspect that you have bad breath? We are Drs. Greg & Joanne Szalai of Szalai & Szalai DDS, a full-service dental office in Allen Park, Michigan. We help our dental patients diagnose and overcome this unpleasant and potentially embarrassing condition.
Wisdom Teeth Checkup
Wisdom teeth usually come in between ages 16 and 24 for people in the Allen Park community. While not always troublesome, it is important to learn as early as possible whether your wisdom teeth are coming in sideways, or otherwise impacting your other teeth.
Allen Park Dentists And Your Mouth Sores
If you live in the Detroit area and have a mouth sore that lasts more than a week or two; come and see us. Mouth sores can be an indicator of disease, and an early assessment is the best bet. A better understanding of your mouth sores can lead quickly to comfort and a resolution. If necessary, treatment and pain relief can be offered.
Saving Teeth in Detroit
Because teeth with infected pulp tissue often cause no symptoms, it is important to have regular dental examinations. We can determine which (if any) teeth have infected roots. If the infection in the soft pulp tissue is left untreated, it can progress to a point where the tooth cannot be saved. Is it time for a thorough dental exam? Call our office at (313) 928-2323.