Implants Prevent Denture-Related Health Problems

tooth implants Allen Park

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 25% of adults over 65 have no remaining teeth. Many of them choose dentures. But dental implants from Allen Park Dental Care are a state-of-the-art alternative. Problems With Dentures Conventional dentures usually fit properly at first, but the mouth changes as you age. Normal wear and […]

Tooth Implant Placement: Before, During, After

tooth implants Allen Park

Dental implants are rapidly becoming the tooth replacement option of choice. Millions of Americans have chosen implants, like those available at Allen Park Dental Care. Once the decision is made, patients usually want to know what’s involved every step of the way. Before the Procedure It begins with a consultation and preliminary exam. We’ll take […]

Are Dental Implants Experimental?

tooth implants Detroit

Dental implants are tooth replacement marvels that have been placed in millions of people. They look and function just like the real thing, and are available at Allen Park Dental Care. Technically, dental implants are not replacement teeth. The actual implant is a titanium post that is inserted into your jaw. In a few months’ […]

What are Possible Dental Implant Complications?

risks of dental implants Michigan

Dental implants from Allen Park Dental Care are state-of-the-art, with a success rate in the area of ninety-eight percent. That number is a testament to implant technology. But like any medical or dental procedure, there are risks. In this post, we will consider possible complications of a dental implant. Infection. Any surgical procedure poses an […]

What are Implant-Stabilized Dentures?

Allen Park dentures secured with implants

Imagine being able to replace your missing teeth with dentures that are so stable, they seem more like natural teeth than ordinary dentures ever could. With implant-supported dentures from Allen Park Dental Care you don’t have to imagine: they’re here. Anyone who wears orindary dentures knows how difficult it is to keep them secure in […]